In addition to the traditional four Ps of marketing, service
providers must pay attention to three more Ps suggested by Booms and Bitner
for services marketing: people, physical evidence, and process. Because
most services are provided by people, the selection, training, and
motivation of employees can make a huge difference in customer satisfaction.
Ideally, service employees should exhibit competence, a caring attitude,
responsiveness, initiative, problem-solving ability, and goodwill.
Companies should also try
to demonstrate their service quality through physical evidence and
presentation. Thus, a hotel such as the Four Seasons will develop a look and
observable style of handling customers that embodies its intended customer
value proposition (in this case, luxury accommodations). Finally, service
companies can choose among different processes to deliver their service.
For instance, McDonald’s out-lets offer self-service, while Olive Garden
restaurants offer table service.
A service encounter is
affected by both visible and invisible elements (see Figure 4-4). Consider a
customer visiting a bank to get a loan (service X). The customer sees other
customers waiting for this and other services. The customer also sees a
physical environment (the building, interior, equipment, and furniture) as well
as bank personnel. Not visible to the customer is a whole “back-room”
production process and organization system that supports the visible business.
Thus, the service outcome, and whether or not people will be satisfied and
ultimately remain loyal to a service provider, are influenced by a host of
In view of this
complexity, Gronroos has argued that service marketing requires not only
external marketing, but also internal and interactive marketing (Figure 4-5).12 External
marketing describes the normal work to prepare, price, distribute, and
promote the service to customers. Internal marketing describes the work
to train and motivate employees to serve customers well. Berry has argued that
the most important contribution the marketing department can make is to be
“exceptionally clever in getting every-one else in the organization to practice
Interactive marketing describes the employees’ skill in serving the client. Because the
client judges service not only by its technical quality (e.g., Was the
surgery success-ful?) but also by its functional quality (e.g., Did the
surgeon show concern and inspire
Elements in a Service
Three Types of Marketing in Service
confidence?),14 service providers must deliver services
that are “high touch” as well as “high techs.”15
Consider how Charles
Schwab, the nation’s largest discount brokerage house, uses the Web to create
an innovative combination of high-techs and high-touch services. One of the
first major brokerage firms to provide on-line trading, Schwab now provides
millions of investors with Web-based financial and company information, account
data, and detailed research. By offering high-techs services, Schwab has taken
on the role of on-line investment adviser. Nonetheless, the on-line trading
service does not entirely replace the personal service offered by Schwab in its
local branches or via the telephone.16
In some cases, customers
cannot judge the technical quality of a service even after they have received
it, as shown in Figure 4-6.17 At the left are goods that are high in search
qualities—characteristics the buyer can evaluate before purchase. In the
middle are goods and services that are high in experience qualities—characteristics
the buyer can evaluate after purchase. At the right are services that are high
in credence qualities— characteristics the buyer normally finds hard to
evaluate even after consumption.18
Because services are
generally high in experience and credence qualities, there is more risk in
their purchase. As a result, service buyers tend to rely more on word of mouth
than on advertising when selecting a provider. Second, they rely heavily on
price, personnel, and physical cues to judge quality. Third, they are highly
loyal to service providers who satisfy them.
Given these
issues, service firms face three key marketing tasks: increasing competitive differentiation, service quality, and productivity. Although these
interact, we will examine each separately.
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